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Product-Highlight DACH+HOLZ 2024

Digital calculation tools - precision and efficiency

To fulfil the requirements of the technical rule in Germany and the Eurocode, FOS® offers various online tools at www.fos.de. The FOS WindCHECK® calculation programme makes it possible to select the right type of clip and provides important information on the fixing pattern.

Friedrich Ossenberg-Schule GmbH + Co KG
58675 Hemer, Germany

To fulfil the requirements of the technical rule in Germany and the Eurocode, FOS® offers various online tools at www.fos.de. The FOS WindCHECK® calculation programme makes it possible to select the right type of clip and provides important information on the fixing pattern, area division and number of pieces required. The FOS ClipCHECK® product finder identifies suitable clips for each object, while the FOS CombiCHECK® reverse search enables the possible uses of existing clips to be identified.

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Matthias Bayer

Matthias Bayer

Head of Sales & Marketing
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