The Hydromette BL H 41 is a measuring instrument for determining the moisture content of solid wood and of wood fibre insulation materials. It was developed in co-operation with the VDNR (formerly VHD) association and well-known manufacturers.
The Hydromette BL H 41 is a measuring instrument for determining the moisture content of solid wood and of wood fibre insulation materials. It was developed in co-operation with the VDNR (formerly VHD) association and well-known manufacturers.
The characteristic curves integrated into the meter are grouped according to the gross density of the material and the board manufacturing process (wet/dry).
The Hydromette can be used to check a facade prior to or after plastering, which can help to avoid moisture-induced damage (e.g. flaking of plastering).
Special insulated electrodes help to prevent surface moisture from influencing the measuring result.