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Ampack - founded in 1946 - is now one of Central Europe's leading suppliers of solutions for sealing building envelopes against vapour, air, wind, water, noise, cold and immissions.

from 9401 Rorschach, Switzerland



Omer Sirkeci
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Ampack – The building shell experts. Since 1946.

Advice makes the big difference
Ampack - founded in 1946 - is now one of Central Europe's leading suppliers of solutions for sealing building envelopes against vapour, air, wind, water, noise, cold and immissions. High-quality, durable products and over 78 years of experience make Ampack a force to be reckoned with in the industry, where dealers, tradesmen and building owners are often under great pressure. New products and designs are constantly entering the market. But only those who use them correctly can guarantee that they will work flawlessly. Ampack's field staff are out and about on building sites every day. As technical advisors, they answer customers' questions and, if necessary, also demonstrate correct processing. The professionals know where obstacles lurk and can remove them in advance.

Additional services
- Systems with products that fit together
- Technical advice by phone and on site
- 20-year premium guarantee
- Training courses
- Structural calculations

Comprehensive product range for high demands
The demands of professional craftsmen are high. They want to offer their customers only the best. That is why Ampack carries a wide and deep range of products. In addition to its own brands Ampacoll, Ampatex, Ampatop and Ampatherm, the company exclusively distributes DuPont Tyvek roofing and façade membranes in Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Italy. Of course with the well-known expert advice.


Ampack Head Office

9401 Rorschach, Switzerland
Seebleichestrasse 50


79539 Lörrach, Germany
Wallbrunnstrasse 24


Shadia Savoldelli

Shadia Savoldelli

Marketing planner
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Marc Schulte

Marc Schulte

Sales director Germany
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