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REGUPOL Germany GmbH & Co. KG

REGUPOL Germany GmbH & Co. KG

Short description

REGUPOL Produkte enthalten bis zu 95 Prozent Recyclinganteile und verhelfen so verantwortungsbewussten Bauherren zu nachhaltigen Bauprojekten.

from 57319 Bad Berleburg, Germany


Posts (3)



REGUPOL is one of the world's leading processors of recycled elastomers. They are used to create our high-performance sports and safety flooring, antislip mats for load securing, products for impact sound insulation and vibration isolation, as well as protective and separating layers for use in construction projects. In many of these markets, REGUPOL is now one of the leading suppliers thanks to the know-how of the global team. Last year, REGUPOL achieved a turnover of more than €140 million and recycled over 90,000 tons of elastomers. REGUPOL is the winner of the NRW Environmental Economy Award, the NRW Energy Efficiency Award and received the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Bronze certificate for some products in the areas of acoustics, construction and load securing. Cradle to Cradle Certified® stands for a continuous and consistent circular economy. REGUPOL has set itself the task of continuously working on developing solutions to bolster a consistent circular economy. Shaping a sustainable and successful future. That is our goal.


REGUPOL Germany GmbH & Co. KG

57319 Bad Berleburg, Germany
Am Hilgenacker 24


Steffen Blecher

Steffen Blecher

Sales Director | Acoustics Division
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Carsten Kreuger

Carsten Kreuger

Sales Director | Construction Division
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David Liebner

David Liebner

Sales Associate | Construction Division
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